Vertegenwoordiger PWN in bèta-lerarenkamer

In het kader van het Sectorplan Bèta en Techniek hebben de bètadecanen een bèta-lerarenkamer ingesteld. Het hoofddoel van de kamer is het vergroten van de instroom in de universitaire lerarenopleidingen. Voorzitter van de kamer is de Utrechtse bètadecaan Isabel Arends. PWN wordt vertegenwoordigd door Bas Edixhoven, hoogleraar in Leiden en…

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Vakantiecursus voor Leraren Wiskunde 2020 – aanmelding nu mogelijk

Het verheugt ons u te kunnen melden dat de bijeenkomsten van de vakantiecursus in fysieke vorm door kunnen gaan, zowel in Amsterdam als in Eindhoven. Vanzelfsprekend zal dit gepaard gaan met inachtneming van de geldende Covid19-normen en maatregelen zoals door RIVM en de regering verordonneerd. De vakantiecursus in Amsterdam zal…

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Newsletter Journal of Mathematics in Industry

Dear colleagues,I hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and well in these very strange times. Due to the global pandemic, we decided to publish our summer newsletter early, in order to keep you up to date on how Springer Nature and our mathematics community, are dealing with…

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Press release on the “Virtual EGMO 2020”

As you may have read previously the European Girls’ Mathematics Olympiad (EGMO) was scheduled to take place on the 15 April in Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands. The ambition of the event was to stimulate more girls, in the Netherlands as well as in all European countries, to discover and…

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Goud voor Nederland bij Benelux Wiskunde Olympiade

ZEIST –  De achttienjarige Rafaël Houkes heeft dit weekend een gouden medaille behaald bij de Benelux Wiskunde Olympiade. Waar normaalgesproken dertig wiskundetalenten uit Nederland, België en Luxemburg een weekend bij elkaar komen, vond het jaarlijkse evenement dit weekend online plaats. Naast de viereneenhalf uur durende wedstrijd was er voor de deelnemers…

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Incentive Grants for Women in STEM

Please note the incentive grants for women. Not yet published, but ready to come.Inclusion and diversity are important to science, both in terms of its quality and impact. In the Netherlands, women make up only a small percentage of the workforce in many science and engineering disciplines.The more senior the…

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Celebrating Women in Mathematics at University of Reading (online event)

We would like to invite you to join us for an informal event on 6 May that is part of the 2020 International Celebration of Women in Mathematics (ICMS)  This is a great chance to hear from women with a mathematical background who are at different stages of their careers. The…

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Special COVID-19 issue Journal of Mathematics in Industry

Special Issue on our Journal of Mathematics in Industry: Mathematical models of the spread and consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemics. Effects on health, society, industry, economics and technology. This special issue will be devoted to articles that propose data-driven mathematical and statistical models of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus,…

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Online webinar mathematics and COVID-19

ECMI has now finished preparations for a webinar event, on mathematical modelling of various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and epidemic outbreaks, in the afternoon of Wednesday, the 29th of April, at   2:00-4:30 pm  CET  (=GMT+1).Five excellent speakers will briefly inform about the efforts and progress in their various countries.All…

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ICIAM Dianoia newsletter

As the Dianoia editors greet the ICIAM community in the midst of a global health crisis, we hope you are safe and wish you the best. ICIAM has responded to this world-wide disaster with information on our website about what is happening in our countries, and how our scientists are working…

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